Mental Health Services Act of 2004
Friday Morning Conference Call
Capital Facilities and Technology
Community Services and Supports
Workforce Education
and Training (WET)
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
Community Engagement and Stakeholder Issues
MHSOAC Resources
MHSOAC Resources
MHSA Resource Corner

Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC)

The MHSA established the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), a 16-member voting body of government officials, key constituencies, and/or consumers, family members, and parents, to oversee county plans for MHSA programs. The MHSOAC plays an additional role in Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) and Innovation programs because they are authorized to approve county plans and expenditures for these component areas.

The MHSOAC has developed a series of technical workgroups to identify, develop, and implement strategies to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as defined by the Act.

The MHSOAC further provides a critical role identified in Part 3.7 Section 5846 (c ) stating, “The Commission shall ensure that the perspective and participation of members and others suffering from severe mental illness and their family members is a significant factor in all of its decisions and recommendations.” The MHSOAC seeks to ensure that MHSA programs continuously aim to improve services, supports, and the overall quality of life for the individuals and families experiencing mental illness.

For more information

  • For information regarding Commissioners, Meeting Dates and Agenda, and Publications and Resources developed by the MHSOAC, visit DMH's MHSOAC Webpage.