Mental Health Services Act of 2004
Capital Facilities and Technology
Friday Morning Conference Call
Community Services and Supports
Workforce Education
and Training (WET)
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI)
Community Engagement and Stakeholder Issues
MHSOAC Resources
MHSA Resource Corner

MHSA Innovation

The MHSA envisioned the need to provide specific resources to support the development of innovative programs for the following purposes:

  • to increase access to underserved groups
  • to increase the quality of services, including better outcomes
  • to promote interagency collaboration
  • to increase access to services

5% of the total funding for each county mental health program for Children, Adults, Older Adults and for Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) (Parts 3, 3.6 and 4) shall be used for innovative programs pursuant to an approved plan required by Section 5830 of the Act. Funds for such programs will only be distributed after the programs have been approved by the Oversight and Accountability Commission (OAC).

Innovation Guidelines

Advocacy and Policy

  • Documents Coming Soon!

Training and Technical Assistance Issues

  • Documents Coming Soon!