If you are looking for mental health services for a foster care child placed outside of their home county, please remember that the county where the child is born typically holds the responsibility for providing access to appropriate mental health care but you have several options for expediting the provision of services:

1. If you know that the child comes from a county that is contracted with Value Options, call Value Options directly at 1-800-236-0756.

2. If you know that the child comes from a county that is not contracted with Value Options, call the county of origin directly using the contact name on the County Contacts list.

3. If you are not sure whether the child's county is a "contracted" county, but do know the county of origin, you can always call the home county directly for information using the name provided on the County Contacts list.

4. If you are confused by all the options, please feel free to contact CMHDA for direction using a name from the Complete Contact List.

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